8 de October de 2018

AMAGGI rises positions in the largest companies in the country rankings

AMAGGI rises positions in the largest companies in the country rankings

In addition to confirming the position as the largest company in the state of Mato Grosso, the results obtained in 2017 leveraged AMAGGI’s position among the largest companies in Brazil, in two of the main business rankings produced by the national press. Recently published, the Best & Greatest from Exame Magazine and the Valor 1000 from the Valor Econômico newspaper, ranked AMAGGI, respectively, in 36th and 41st places in their ranking of the largest organizations in the country.


Both positions are the highest ever obtained by AMAGGI in its history of taking part in these two rankings, which main criterion is the net revenue value calculated in the year. The rankings methodology considers the company’s consolidated performance data for the previous year. AMAGGI’s net revenue reached more than USD 4.4 billion in 2017.


In the case of the Exame Best & Greatest yearbook, the best position ever won by AMAGGI was 39th, in 2016. The next edition ranked the company in 44th, but 2017’s performance caused the company to surpass 2016’s position, reaching 36th.


A similar movement can be verified in the Valor 1000: before the current edition, the best position reached by AMAGGI was 42nd in 2016; the next edition ranked the company five places below, but 2018 ranked the company better than in 2016 – in 41st position.