
Global Sustainability

Performance consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is only possible in partnership with the civil society, non-governmental organizations, suppliers, customers, government and others.

It is with this vision that we launched, in 2017, the Global Sustainability Positioning. The objective is to provide clarity and transparency of our sustainability strategy to all stakeholders.

We also want to deepen the synergy of our operations around the world, keeping them aligned with the Company`s Mission, Vision and Values, as well as with the organization’s business plan.

Our positioning is based on the following principles:

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  • Ensuring good governance and transparency of its operations, through legal compliance and risk management;

  • Be economically viable, add value to shareholders and employees, and share value with society, contributing to local development;

  • Be socio-environmentally responsible and promote the continuous improvement of socio-environmental management in its operations and value chain;

  • Promote respect for human rights and decent work in its operations and value chain;

  • Promote the personal and professional growth of its employees, valuing diversity and seeking continuous improvement of working conditions, health and safety;

  • Contribute to the promotion of food and nutrition security.

Based on the Global Positioning, the Sustainability Plan was created and it
addresses current issues for AMAGGI and stakeholders, including current material issues.

ESG Goals and
Global Actions 2030

In 2021, to make AMAGGI’s ESG strategy clearer to our stakeholders, we updated our commitments and publicly assumed goals.

The proposal is to publicize its priorities for action until 2030, ensuring, Every year, transparency of the advances already made to achieve its commitments. Thus, the company demonstrates that it will not remain inert. On the contrary, it will work tirelessly so that it can report on the evolution of the results achieved in its ESG Report and its annual Progress Report.

Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture

Promote initiatives that strengthen agricultural productivity and the income of small food producers, especially rural women and family farmers.

Good Health and Well-Being

Ensuring and promoting the maintenance of a healthy environment that prioritizes the safety, quality of life and well-being of employees and third parties.

Quality Education

Significantly increase the number of trainings offered to employees and third parties by AMAGGI University.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Invest in actions aimed at developing critical suppliers in its chain, as well as contributing to the professional qualification of vulnerable people to access decent work.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Evidencing the positive impacts generated in the communities where the company operates, prioritizing projects in the most strategic territories for businesses and publics with greater social, economic and environmental vulnerability.

Peace, justice and Strong Institutions

Ensuring action that respects and promotes Human Rights in all AMAGGI operations and value chain, especially with Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Communities.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Keep the Confidential Channel available to all stakeholders as well as the Women Channel to investigate non-compliance with AMAGGI's Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Peace, justice and Strong Institutions

Ensure the continuous improvement of the company's corporate governance and the relationship with all stakeholders, ensuring the culture of integrity and ethics, responsibility, risk management and good business practices.

Partnerships for the Goals

Implement improvements in the process of communicating ESG issues relevant to stakeholders, in relation to metrics, indicators, form and content.

Reduced Inequalities

By 2025, implement a diversity program, aiming at the social inclusion of all.

Zero Hunger and Sustainable Agriculture

Offer innovative products and solutions for an ethical chain, zero deforestation and conversion of native, regenerative and low-carbon vegetation.

Affordable an Clean Energy

Invest in renewable energy, remaining self-sufficient in its production versus consumption.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Have a 100% monitored and tracked grain supply chain, free from deforestation and conversion (Deforestation and Conversion Free – DCF) in agricultural production by 2025, considering all biomes, countries and regions where the company is present.

Climate Action

Achieve net zero emissions by 2050 (NetZero emissions), through decarbonization strategies by 2035 and neutralization of eventual residual emissions, according to the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), especially from the promotion of regenerative agriculture, low-carbon and capable of protecting biodiversity.

Life on Land

Remaining zero deforestation and conversion (Deforestation and Conversion Free – DCF) since 2008 for agricultural production on AMAGGI owned farms, ensuring its expansion only in already opened areas.

To learn more about the evolution of each of the goals assumed, access the 2023 ESG Reports by clicking here.


To achieve its ESG goals, AMAGGI partners with global and local initiatives aligned with the sustainability strategy, aiming to give greater scalability to its actions.

Institutional Commitments

As a commodities company, AMAGGI's products and services are very focused on the international market. By making commitments and integrating frameworks of important organizations and work groups, supported by science and good practices, AMAGGI is consistently committed to sustainability and the promotion of business in line with today's global demands. These are:

United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Aims to engage signatory countries to act in crucial areas for global sustainable development. Elaborated in 17 objectives with specific goals, it represents a joint effort of the signatories to be reached. Since 2015, the year of its launch, the initiative has been supported by AMAGGI, which articulates the SDGs in its activities disseminating them to all its stakeholders.

UN Global Compact

Aims to engage and sensitize organizations to disseminate the Ten Principles and the SDGs to their stakeholders. A participating signatory of the Action Platform to Communicate and Engage, AMAGGI assumed in 2020, the coordination of this platform for the biennium 2021 – 2022. The company also takes part in the Action for Sustainable Agro and Action against Corruption platforms. In 2021, AMAGGI also joined the Global Compact Network Brazil initiative “Entre Solos: semeando conexões (Between Soils – Seeding Connections”, Network Sustainability Dialogue Initiative in the Food and Agriculture Sector.

Business Principles for Food and Agriculture (PEAA)

The only Brazilian company, AMAGGI has been a part of this Global Compact initiative since its launch in 2014. It took part in all stages of the principles elaboration. Together with 20 other companies, the PEAA seeks to collaborate on the development of efficient and practical solutions to increase the safety of food systems and agriculture sustainability.

SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative) and Race to Zero

In 2021, AMAGGI joined the SBTi initiative, through the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign, and with that it is now also part of the UN's Race to Zero global movement.

Business Pact against the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents on Brazilian Highways — On the Right Path Program

Since 2014, it has supported this Childhood Brasil program, which mobilizes companies and entities to promote the fight against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents on Brazilian roads.

Business Pact for Integrity and against Corruption

An Ethos Institute initiative to promote an honest and ethical business environment. It brings together companies that annually disclose, on the Compact platform, their results for the eradication of bribery and corruption. AMAGGI has been part of the Compact since 2009.

National Pact for the Eradication of Slave Labor

Since 2005, AMAGGI has been a signatory to this commitment, which seeks to eradicate all forms of slave-like labor in the country. Every year, the company submits to the InPACTO organization the monitoring report with the actions taken to eradicate slave labor in its production chain. The company is also part of the Institute’s Deliberative Council.

Child Friendly Company Program

Initiative of the Abrinq Foundation to mobilize companies in the surroundings of a social action for the benefit of children and adolescents in Brazil. A participant since 2009, AMAGGI renewed its title in 2021, in recognition of its commitment to the defense of children and adolescents.

Soy Moratorium

Commitment established in 2006 not to sell soy from areas of the Amazon biome that were deforested after 2008. Participating are industries and exporters affiliated with the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove) and the National Association of Cereal Exporters (Anec).

Green Grain Protocol

Seeks to avoid the sale of products from illegally deforested areas, with an environmental embargo or occurrence of slave labor in the state of Pará. It is an initiative of the Federal Public Ministry, the Government of Pará, the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (Semas) and local companies in the sector. It also aims to strengthen the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) as a tool for environmental planning. AMAGGI has been a signatory since 2018, due to the beginning of its operations in the state of Pará.

and Partnerships

Brazil Climate, Forests and Agriculture Coalition

Brazilian articulation that brings together companies, governments, NGOs and civil society for the promotion of a low carbon economy. AMAGGI is the leader of the Deforestation Forum and a member of the Coalition Executive Group (GX).

Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (Abiove)

Sectoral entity that cooperates in the execution of sector policies and sustainability programs for the soy chain.

Federation of Industries of the State of Mato Grosso (FIEMT)

Unit of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), in Mato Grosso. It brings together entrepreneurs and entities from that state to discuss, among other topics, compliance with environmental legislation and the sustainability evolution of industries.

Earth Innovation Institute and Balikpapan Challenge

International institute aimed at promoting studies and good practices on issues such as food security, protection of tropical forests and climate change.

MT Strategy — Produce, Preserve and Include (PCI)

Launched by the Government of Mato Grosso during the COP 21, the Strategy seeks to achieve a vision of social and economic development for 2030 through the sustainable use of natural resources. AMAGGI is a co-founder of the newly created PCI Institute and has been part of the initiative since 2015.

Soy Working Group (GTS)

Formed by civil society organizations and companies, its objective is to combat deforestation in the Amazon Biome.

Cerrado Working Group (GTC)

Multisectoral front that seeks to develop and implement collective solutions to eliminate deforestation in the Cerrado Biome, linked to the soy chain.

Round Table on Responsible Soy Association (RTRS)

Association that brings together soy producers, traders and processors from around the world. In partnership with banks and social organizations, it seeks to ensure the cultivation of sustainable soy and the social responsibility of the sector.


Fundação Getúlio Vargas is a partner in the calculation of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory on the Public Platform of GHG Records, of the Center for Sustainability Studies at FGV.

Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)

Partner for over 15 years in scientific projects related to forests and interaction with human activities at the Tanguro Farm, in Querência (MT). In 2021, AMAGGI expanded its partnership with IPAM for a Biodiversity Monitoring project on some of the company's farms in Mato Grosso.

Sea Cargo Charter

AMAGGI is a signatory to the Sea Cargo Charter through its subsidiary AMAGGI Switzerland, committing itself to disclosing climate emissions from its international maritime activities and seeking to reduce its maritime GHG flows.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC)

Carries out projects to promote environmental adequacy and forest restoration on rural properties, and the engagement of producers for sustainable cultivation.

Seed Pathways - Caminhos da Semente

A front that brings together over 160 organizations and 40 specialists to promote environmental restoration through the use of direct seeding in the country (known as muvuca).

Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)

Partnership for studies and techniques that improve the quality and sustainability of the soil in the cultivation areas of the Company's farms.